Personal Responses to LolitaI'm on the last 20 pages of Lolita, and once again finding myself in utter amazement and full of love for Nabokov's words. This is the greatest love story ever written. i could not kill her, of course, as some have thought. you see, I loved her. It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. (Nabokov, 270) [...] It's cold now. Real cold, chills, winds and all. Now is the time to hold my girl-child hands in fists, and bury my face in my scarf. oh the sweetness, the delightful charring of winter! [..]even if those eyes of hers would fade to myopic fish, and her nipples swell and crack, and her lovely young velvety delicate delta be tainted and torn—even when I would go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of your dear wan face, at the mere sound of your young raucous young voice, my Lolita. (Nabokov, 278) Oh Humbert, Humbert! by: Nikki [Last name removed for reasons of privacy] __________ Bibliography Nabokov, Vladimir. Lolita. 1955. New York: Vintage International, 1997. 2nd Edition. |