#17 – Castle of Wizardry, by David Eddings

I once filled out one of those crazy questionnaire memes about books we’ve read in the past and how we felt about characters in those books. One of the questions was about whether or not we’d ever encountered a character in a book that we felt we could have a romantic relationship with, and if so, what character? I never really had an answer to that question, but then after re-reading the five books that make up The Belgariad (and then later the five books that make up The Malloreon) I finally have an answer. The skinny, spoiled, red-headed princess Ce’Nedra of Eddings’ world is exactly that character. I mean, she’s as intelligent as she is difficult, but I suppose that’s some of the appeal. I don’t know. I think in some ways that character planted ideas in my subconscious about exactly what I want in a partner and about how love should be. Love isn’t easy in Eddings’ books, but it is worth all the bickering and negotiation and struggle, and I guess I’ve always felt that about love in the real world, too.

Next up, Enchanter’s End Game, by David Eddings.


Writer. Editor. Critic.

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