#22 – Sorceress of Darshiva, by David Eddings

One of the things that marks this series as different from the first is that many of the male characters who were prominent now have their roles filled by women. The ultimate villain is a woman, the best tactical mind from the western nations has died and has been replaced (and quite ably) by his wife. Poledra, wife of Belgarath and mother of Polgara returns from the dead to take up a pivotal role in the resolution of the ultimate conflict. Belgarion’s wife Ce’Nedra, however, who was a remarkable force in The Belgariad virtually falls apart in these books. Her son has been kidnapped, so it stands to reason that she will be full of fear and anxiety, but close to a year later she’s still barely functional, even while in hot pursuit of the kidnapper. I find it odd that one of the strongest and most interesting female characters from the first series of books would be brought so low in this one, traumatic events aside.

Next up: The Seeress of Kell, the last of the David Eddings books for quite some time.


Writer. Editor. Critic.

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