#39 – The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman

The shortest of the three novels in the His Dark Materials series, The Subtle Knife feels very much like a transitional work. At least one new major character is introduced (Will), and a new magical object (for which the book is named), but otherwise very little seems to have happened as far as Lyra’s adventure to find her father is concerned. The book does feel considerably more mature, dealing more frankly with matters of sexual maturity and issues of moral authority (and not coming down entirely against moral authority; Pullman rather sensibly comes down only against arbitrary moral authority). I can’t say that I had as much fun reading this one as I did The Golden Compass, but I now have more respect for Pullman’s ability to pull together a functioning set set of rules for world-building. Lyra’s world seemed rather skimpy in the first volume, but pulls together nicely here.

Next: The Amber Spyglass, by Philip Pullman.


Writer. Editor. Critic.

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