Sweet Relief

The flood damage is nearly all cleaned up now (my parents gave me a dehumidifier as an early birthday present, and it now ranks as probably the second best birthday gift I’ve ever received) and several of my lost books have been replaced, so posting should resume regularly in the next day or so. The good news, I guess, is that I’m only two books behind, so it shouldn’t be too much work to catch up.

I’m not generally “that sort of reader”, but I am kind of disappointed that I will now have a crisp, new copy of Ulysses on my bookshelf instead of the well-used and much loved copy I had before. The old copy was as much a kind of trophy as it was a book that I read an enjoyed. Happily I don’t fall into the books-as-trophies category too often (the only other two examples I can think of are Don Quixote and The Recognitions). You can go ahead and think less of me after this revelation, or not, as you see fit.


Writer. Editor. Critic.

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