CreditsPretty much all of this site was created by August C. Bourré, an undergraduate at the University of Waterloo. August is also the Co-Editor and Lead Designer for Wooden Fish, an online literary journal. Certain portions of this site were written by August's friend Nikki, who wishes to keep her last name a secret. August is respecting that wish, which is why he hasn't told you her last name. August would like to thank Dr. Stan Fogel for the opportunity to create this website. You can see pictures of both August and Dr. Fogel on the left hand side of this page. A note about the pictures on this site: some of them seem to be of scantily clad young women, as indeed they are. It should be made clear, however, that all of those women were old enough to pose legally for those photos, or any other photos they might choose to pose for. While August understands that Lolita is a great work of art, he does not wish to duplicate certain aspects of it in too great of detail, and so has not involved any minors in the production of this site. You can contact August by e-mail at august@vestige.org. |