Point of Order

Regular readers (or even readers who have read none of this site except the last post) will know that I’m currently reading Steven Heighton’s Flight Paths of the Emperor, and should be done with it in the next day or so. When I am finished with that, I will begin reading Rawi Hage’s Cockroach, which arrived in the mail this morning. I was given the book so that I would write a short review to be published elsewhere, and as such I don’t want to post a full review here until after the short one has been published in that venue, which will not be until October at the earliest. So: though it will actually be book #55 for the year, my review will have it labeled as #56 or more likely #57. This may not be a particularly important detail to most of you, but it’s important to me and my reading project. Consider yourself informed.


Writer. Editor. Critic.

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