Weekly Churn 008: Halifax

Ahoy! This is the Weekly Churn, where every Sunday I post about what I’ve been reading, watching, and thinking about over the previous week.

I’m still in Nova Scotia. I’ve been staying at a very modest hotel in Halifax for nearly a week while my dad is in the hospital. I came down to visit my father because he needed an angiogram and I’ve become paranoid about medical stuff. Instead of having a simple out-patient test, they admitted him and he’s been waiting for heart surgery (stents, not open heart) since Wednesday. It’s scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I’ve been trying to get some work done from this hotel, but mostly I’ve been freaking out in slow motion, getting very little sleep, eating a lot of crap and watching a lot of television. I’ve also gotten to know Halifax a lot better. There’s a really great independent bookstore here called Bookmark, and I’ve been stress-buying some interesting books when not sitting with my father. He’s been telling me stories from his childhood and youth, mostly things I haven’t heard before.

In sad news, the amazing Teva Harrison has passed away. I didn’t know Teva very well, but every time I saw her she made me feel like we’d been great friends for a very long time. I don’t even know how to describe how open and full of life she was, and she made you feel like she was giving you a piece of that. Like I said, I didn’t know her well, but those things were apparent more or less immediately when you met her. He husband David, who I know a little better, is also a remarkably kind and generous man. Teva will be missed.

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading!


Writer. Editor. Critic.

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