#5 – Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman
I’ve been dying to read this book since it was released last year, but as I don’t buy mass market paperbacks (and it’s not being released in trade paperback), I had to wait until I could find a used copy of the hardback on the cheap. Having done so, and dutifully raced through it in about a day, I have to say I’m a little disappointed. Allow me to explain. I knew going in that this wasn’t a sequel to American Gods, although it would take place in approximately the same world. It didn’t really feel entirely like the same world, though. To be honest it felt more like Neverwhere. Both novels have some pretty basic similarities; the major protagonist finds his life and his relationship collapsing as he enters a supernatural world just below the surface of his own, a world that has always been there but that he… Continue Reading