#24 – Concrete Island, by J.G. Ballard
When I told Adam Greenfield on Twitter that I had never read any Ballard, but that I had Concrete Island lined up to get my feet wet, his advice was “Go thou back and acquire Crash,” so I could get the “distilled” Ballard effect. Crash won’t be an option for probably another month or more (and I absolutely loathed the Cronengberg film, so despite Adam’s insistence that the film is “immaterial,” I’m still reluctant). Concrete Island will have to do for now. And besides, it’s a fascinating premise. The premise is this: Richard Maitland, an adulterous middle-class asshole (yeah, I have no class prejudices at all, do I?) is distracted on his drive home from a rendezvous with his mistress and hits a concrete barrier near an expressway ramp. He goes off the road and onto a large traffic island, where his wrecked Jaguar is hidden from the cars driving… Continue Reading