Seeing His Irish
The always observant George Murray of Bookninja linked to a blog post by Irish writer Julian Gough, in which he says some not very flattering things about contemporary Irish literature, using some rather strong language. At least strong language as far as sites about books are concerned. (I’ve always wondered why bookish folks on the Internet tend to be, with only a handful of exceptions, the polite, cheerful, wouldn’t say shit if their mouths were full of it types. They’re the last folks I would expect to be afraid of words, but whatever. Working behind desks does that to some people.) George also links to the Guardian’s article about the post, which features responses from other Irish writers. It’s all so polite and hand-wringingly insecure they could almost be talking about CanLit. I’m sure that’s very interesting, but for all that hullabaloo it misses the really cool bits of Gough’s… Continue Reading